
Ask Me Anything: Do you need a degree to start a cybersecurity career career classllc cyber career lab cybersecurity keyaanwilliams Nov 01, 2022

By: Keyaan Williams


Once upon a time, Omar Sickander and I created the Cyber Career Lab (TM) to provide an alternative to expensive certifications and higher education that still helped people grow in their cybersecurity careers. “Ask me Anything” is an extension of the program that helped me an...

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Best of Ask Me Anything - Direction for Those New to Cyber career ccl classllc cyber career lab keyaanwilliams Jan 11, 2022

By: Keyaan Williams

I kicked off Ask Me Anything in January 2022 as part of my efforts to rethink how I contribute to the success of others (thanks again to Adam Grant and his book, "Think Again”). I recognize that anything worth doing requires time and momentum. The idea is still growing, but a re...

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Exciting updates coming to the Cyber Career Lab ccl classllc collaboration cyber career lab new update Aug 05, 2021

We have some exciting updates coming to the Cyber Career Lab this month. The Cyber Career Lab was created for people who cannot afford thousands of dollars for degree programs or certification training. After running 9 episodes of our first season we have learned a lot and have decided to make some ...

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