
Unboxing The Hidden Dangers of Misconfigured Cloud Containers bestpractices classllc configuration cybersecurity newsletter omarsickander Mar 14, 2024

By: Omar Sickander


In cloud container security, every misconfiguration can become a potential gateway for cyber threats. Imagine cloud containers as individual, self-contained boxes, each housing a unique application and its necessary components. To make things a bit simpler we will use an analo...

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Heartbreak & Heartbleed: How Today's Devices Remain Vulnerable classllc cybersecurity omarsickander vulnerability Feb 12, 2024

By: Omar Sickander

Originally thought to be patched, a subtle vulnerability challenges the integrity of cybersecurity at even some of the largest organizations. This vulnerability, known as the Heartbleed bug, was discovered in 2014 within OpenSSL versions 1.0.1 to 1.0.1f. It stemmed from a type of...

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Remote Workers Beware: Don't Let Cybercriminals Crash Your Pajama Party classllc omarsickander workfromhome Jan 18, 2024

By: Omar Sickander

In the cozy world of remote work, our homes have transformed into the daily workspace, but this shift comes with challenges in safeguarding sensitive data. Home Wi-Fi networks, with their varying degrees of security, pose a potential threat, leaving valuable information exposed t...

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On Thanksgiving - Gratitude, Cybersecurity, and the Digital Table classllc keyaanwilliams newsletter the board Nov 16, 2023

By: Keyaan Williams

The Mayflower left Plymouth, England in September 1620 carrying 102 passengers who sought a new home that promised freedom and prosperity in the "New World." After 66 days, they began the work of establishing a village at Plymouth. Half the colonists died from exposure, starvati...

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From Haunted Systems to Fortified Defenses: A NIST Inspired Risk Assessment Primer classllc keyaanwilliams nist risk management Oct 17, 2023

By: Keyaan Williams

October is a popular month for horror movies, and while risk executives and corporate leaders are not running from Mike Meyers, Freddy Kruger, or the zombie apocalypse, the organizations they serve must remain aware of the real threats they face. This ensures that organizations ...

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Corporate Governance: Communicating Cybersecurity to the Board career chronicle classllc cybersecurity karatwombly keyaanwilliams newsletter omarsickander the board zariahwilliams Jul 06, 2023

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, effective communication with boards of directors has emerged as a critical concern for organizations worldwide. As cyber threats grow in complexity and severity, the lack of communication between cybersecurity professionals and board-level decision...

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You Could Be the Hero the World Is Looking For... career classllc cybersecurity omarsickander professionaldevelopment zariahwilliams May 17, 2023

By: Zariah Williams & Omar Sickander

You’ve heard of megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB), but have you ever heard of zettabytes? A singular zettabyte (ZB) is equivalent to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (1021) bytes. In 2018 it was estimated that the entire world’s data was equal to 33 ZB. Experts cal...

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Cybercriminals' Latest Target: March Madness classllc cybersecurity data privacy omarsickander zariahwilliams Mar 14, 2023

By: Omar Sickander & Zariah Williams


It’s that time of year once again when sports lovers settle in for a month of game-watching, bet-making, and trash-talking. This week kicks off the NCAA Basketball Tournament, also known as March Madness, where 68 men’s and women’s teams will compete in a sin...

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The Chronicle, Events and Updates from CLASS-LLC - November 2022 career chronicle classllc cybersecurity newsletter Nov 16, 2022

      Cybersecurity Awareness month has ended, but the importance of cybersecurity-minded organizations and training should not be forgotten. It may not be easy to implement all the innovative ideas and programs showcased by organizations worldwide last month, but it is necessary for an organizati...

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Ask Me Anything: Do you need a degree to start a cybersecurity career career classllc cyber career lab cybersecurity keyaanwilliams Nov 01, 2022

By: Keyaan Williams


Once upon a time, Omar Sickander and I created the Cyber Career Lab (TM) to provide an alternative to expensive certifications and higher education that still helped people grow in their cybersecurity careers. “Ask me Anything” is an extension of the program that helped me an...

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Cybersecurity Awareness, It's for Everyone!!! classllc cybersecurity professionaldevelopment sebastiansavage Feb 24, 2022

By: Sebastian Savage

 If you are deeply plugged into the digital world, more than likely, you are familiar with the term Cybersecurity Awareness. If you have never heard the term, don’t worry, cybersecurity awareness means: Following and implementing specific steps or controls to keep your personal...

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Best of Ask Me Anything - Direction for Those New to Cyber career ccl classllc cyber career lab keyaanwilliams Jan 11, 2022

By: Keyaan Williams

I kicked off Ask Me Anything in January 2022 as part of my efforts to rethink how I contribute to the success of others (thanks again to Adam Grant and his book, "Think Again”). I recognize that anything worth doing requires time and momentum. The idea is still growing, but a re...

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